Monday, October 12, 2015

Super Villain Monday: Nightmare on Marvel Street

Welcome to another edition of Super Villain Monday.  Today during our month of horriffic good guys and bad guys, we turn the Neo-Retro spotlight on Marvel Comics.

Marvel has a tendency to treat their magic users as super heroes.  When they do step outside of that box and play serious magic hardball, that's when the good things happen.  On the top of the good thing list is the dream demon known as Nighmare.
Nightmare is a fictional character, a supervillain who appears in Marvel Comics, most commonly as one of Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider's major enemies.

Before Neil Gaiman gave us the Sandman, Marvel presented us with  the baddest dream king ever.  Nighmare feeds on the slumber time fears mof the human race.  He is dependent on the human race for his survival.  This does not make him a champion of Humanity.

He may not be set on the destruction of the Human Race, but he wouldn't mind their total domination, subjugation, and living their lives in a stat of extended terror.

Nightmare has no moral compass.  He has no personal angst.  He does possess a will to survive, a desire to thrive, and a sense of competition that makes him one of the most evil bastards in the Marvel Univers.
Fictional character biography

He is the evil ruler of a 'dream dimension', where tormented humans are brought during their sleep. He roams this realm on his demonic black horned horse named Dreamstalker. He appears as a chalk-white man with wild green hair, a green bodysuit, and a ragged cape. He was the first foe met by Doctor Strange, when a man who was having troubled dreams went to Strange for help, though it is revealed this is due to him committing a murder. Later Nightmare imprisons several humans in his dimension, but Strange frees them. When Doctor Strange forgot to recite a spell before he slept, Nightmare started tormenting him, before Strange was freed after tricking Nightmare by casting an illusion of an enemy of his.

Nightmare is a demon from the dimension Everinnye, like his "cousin", the Dweller-in-Darkness. Nightmare is dependent on the human race's need to dream. Without this ability, Nightmare would cease to exist, but humanity would go insane. At one point Strange and Nightmare had to join forces to prevent that from happening.   Nightmare has run afoul ofSpider-Man, Captain America, Ghost Rider, Dazzler, Wolverine, and the Hulk on different occasions. Nightmare also served under Shuma-Gorath and warned Strange that the demon would be a force that even the Sorcerer Supreme would have trouble defeating, and he once joined the Fear Lords, a group of supernatural creatures who fed on fear, to attack Dr. Strange together. Their plans were undone whenD'Spayre tricks him into competing with the Dweller-in-Darkness over who could frighten humanity more.

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